In order to provide good service please read the terms first before we do business.

1, All goods we sell are top quality replica goods. If you sell as original please take all risks from your clients if they have any complain. We provide aftersales for any quality problem.

2, There is customs risk that goods can be seized since you are buying replica goods. but this just happens with very small possibility. if really happens customs problem we will share half lose with our clients. Please understand.

3, All cost is freeshipping by slow shipping(like China post , Epacket... about 1month or more is possible sometimes. We suggest to pay extra that we can use EMS. DHL .FEDEX. UPS... we use DHL usually. Some big size goods will add more. But we will suggest to send by EMS for big size goods.

4, Fast Shipping we will use Fedex, DHL, EMS UPS.... they took almost the same time. This year (2020 all shipping time is slower than all other years and meanwhile shipping cost is higher ) right now shipping time is about 10 to 14 days. if there is no delay less than 10days is possbile. if there is delay take over 2 weeks. EMS normally 7 to 10days.sometimes over 20 days (EMS delivery time is not very stable )

PS: In China, the shipping company doesn’t take any responsibility for any customs problem, but we share half the lose.

5, Payment Method: wire transfer,WU/moneygram/transferwise app, Worldremit APP ,Paypal (sometimes but only accept friend/family way).alipay. wechat pay.

6, All the price and shipping cost we offered doens't include any duty/tax in destination, we will try to declare lower value as we can to avoid high tax but we can't control customs how much they will charge. meanwhile it's the receiver's obligation to pay the tax/duty since you are importing goods from oversea.

New policy for airpods or any electronic products.

We can supply them but we don't accept return or full refund if any quality problem. we will test before sending out.if happen quality problem we can give 20% off partial refund(but we need to see video).

Return policy for other goods:
All other products we don’t accept full refund for any quality problem. Because we do wholesale with low profits. We only accept return to change to new one if in brand new or repair(if it has scratch or not brand new), the buyer should pay the shipping cost to send to China. We pay the shipping cost to send back to our customer. If don’t want to send back, we can discuss for partial refund 5% off to 30% off depends on what kind problem. And try to give some discount in new order to reduce the lose from our customer.

Updated on 15.Aug.2018

Mykeens support team.

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